
奖助金 are awarded on the basis of financial need and do not have to be repaid. All students applying for financial aid are considered for these grants. If a separate application is required, eligible students are contracted and encouraged to apply. 


This grant program is made available to undergraduate students by the U.S. 教育部. 终身资助相当于六年的资助.


This grant is made available to undergraduate students by the U.S. 教育部.

每年最高$4,870-$9,739 /续期

Recipients of this grant must have lived in Washington State for one full year prior to the first day of the quarter for which the grant is awarded. 受抚养学生的父母也必须有居留权. There is a lifetime limit of the equivalent of five years of grant.

每年最高$6,061 /续期

The College Bound Scholarship program is an early commitment of Washington State financial aid to eligible students who sign up in middle school and fulfill the pledge. 申请截止日期为6月30日. 在学生八年级结束时. The program encourages students who might not consider college because of the cost to dream big and continue their education beyond high school. 学生 commit to: 研究生 from a Washington high school or home school with a 2.平均绩点0或更高, 做个好公民,不要被判重罪, and apply to an eligible college and file the Free application for Federal Student Aid. (FAFSA).


This need-based grant for undergraduate students is funded by the North Pacific Union Conference (NPUC) and 沃拉沃拉大学. 由于资金限制, students must complete their financial aid files by June 30 to be considered for this grant.


This grant is available to undergraduate students from Pendleton, Oregon, who show financial need. 才有资格申请这项资助, students must be accepted for admission or re-admission to WWU and must complete their financial aid files, 6月30日前.

每年$4,870-$9,739 /续期

这项助学金颁发给符合下列条件的学生, 因为主修神学, 没有资格申请华盛顿州的助学金吗. 学生 receiving this grant cannot also receive the Out-of-Area Grant.


这笔助学金是发给最困难的学生的. Recipients are required to live in university housing or with their parents during the period for which the grant is awarded. A student who meets one of the following criteria may request a housing-requirement waiver from the Office of 学生生活: Student owns his or her own home or lives with parents at their primary residence in the community, Student has lived in current residence for two or more years and is at least 22 years old, Student meets the criteria of an independent student as defined on the FAFSA, Student lives with a full-time employee of WWU and monthly rent payments are $150 or less per month.

Lewiston/Clarkston/Pomeroy Seventh-day Adventist Church Grant
每年500- 1500美元/可续期

These grants are for undergraduate members of these churches. 有资格申请以需要为本的助学金,最高可达$1,000, recipients must complete their financial aid files by April 30. 平均绩点为3的学生可获得最高500美元的奖学金.50或以上, new students must have their transcripts and achievement test scores on file at WWU and must be accepted for admission, 4月30日前. If not enough money is available to fully fund all qualified students, 奖金将按比例减少.


学生 who have at least one-fourth American Indian or Inuit blood may obtain grant assistance from the Bureau of Indian Affairs. 有关申请和其他信息, write to: Northwest Regional Office Bureau of Indian Affairs, 东北11大道911号, 波特兰, 电话:(503)231-6702


When an undergraduate student's home church contributes to the student's educational expenses, 沃拉沃拉大学匹配第一个2美元,教会提供了:

  • 这笔拨款来自当地教会的基金.
  • 受赠人家属的捐赠不包括在内.
  • 这个学生并不是为教会工作赚钱的.
  • 没有一个捐赠者的捐款超过总数的25%.
  • 教会牧师和司库填写并签署一份 教堂比赛申请表格,可在网上或向学生财务服务处索取.
  • 学生必须根据美国标准证明需要.S. 政府的财政援助方案.

学生 wishing to receive this grant are responsible for asking their home churches to contribute. 如果教会愿意的话, 然后学生金融服务与学生一起工作, 家庭教堂, 与学院协调匹配资金.

Master of Initial Teaching and Master of Education Need Grant
每年$2,600 /可续期

这项助学金颁发给符合下列条件的学生 show need through the financial aid application process. This $2,600 grant is disbursed at the rate of $650 each quarter – fall, winter, spring, and summer.

每年$2,600 /可续期

这项助学金颁发给符合下列条件的学生 show need thorough the financial aid application process. Funds are disbursed at the rate of $650 each quarter for fall, winter, spring, and summer.

每年$4,000 /可续期

For more information, contact the Social Work Department at (509) 527-2590.